About Me

SelfHello there.

I’m Lisa and I love books. I’m 23-years-old and from as far back as I can remember I’ve been a lover of reading books, owning books, smelling books, and occasionally taping on call numbers to the spines of my books and pretending to run a library. My dream job has always been to be a librarian (even if it’s only for my own personal library, which I will have before I die).

I love to talk about the books I’m reading, but I was having a hard time finding people in my everyday life who love to read books as much as I do, let alone talk about them, so I took to the internet and started a Tumblr dedicated to showing attractive books. I was bored with just reblogging photographs, and honestly there wasn’t a lot of the conversation I wanted on Tumblr, so I started this blog to post reviews and such.

I review mostly Young Adult novels, but there will always be the occasional non-YA review.

Feel free to email me for any reason at booksandbooksand [at] gmail [dot] com OR just click here!


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